Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Post 11 Tools Reflections

I'm excited about the iTouch apps we will be discovering and using in the classrooms to reinforce and extend student learning. I think Google Docs will be very helpful for staff collaboration and organization of information. Skype can open the world for our students, parents, and us. Photo Story is an easy and fun way to share information (i.e. projects, etc.). Image generators and mash ups are really cool accessories, (i.e. Bookr is a great tool for making books and then sharing/reading them to others), that can provide beginning skill practice and repetition necessary to build fluency and comprehension.

I have so enjoyed learning volumes of new technology tools and uses. I'm excited to continue on this journey. I think technology in the classroom will support more flexible small group collaborative learning and less large group lessons. I think it offers the potential to link classrooms and cultures around the world.

I was "wow'd" by the limitless potential to create and inspire with instructional technology. I was amazed how addictive it can be. Looking forward ...


  1. I love everything about your blog! Good notes, great ideas, and its look like you had lots of fun!

  2. Great job trying out so many new things and finding exciting ways to use them within your classroom! Stay connected and learn from one another in the coming year. Have fun!
